Our policy on cookies

The GEMINI TECHNOLOGIES S.R.L. website collects information about the users, their preferences or the device used to access the Internet (computer, tablet or cellphone). The information collected automatically through cookies is primarily used to make our website more user-friendly, to allow navigating through the various pages efficiently and to send   targeted promotional messages.

By using our website you are deemed to consent to the use of cookies as descibed in the present “Cookie Policy”.

Here below is a list of the cookies used by this website and the related information.

Without prejudice to the above,for our websites and other online services, we use the following cookie categories:

  1. Essential Cookies

These cookies are fundamental for our websites to function properly and to allow us to improve the usability of the various functions and/or services. Without the use of these cookies certain operations could not be carried out such as, for example, user authentication and access to the restricted area of the website.

  1. Analytics Cookies

These cookies help us improve the performance of our websites by allowing us to monitor and understand how the website is being used in order to improve and optimize user navigation.

For example, analytics cookies help us keep track of which pages are most popular, what are user preferences, identify which products have already been viewed to avoid repeteadly showing  them, show us whether our advertising is effective or not, allow us to identify potential usability issues.

GEMINI TECHNOLOGIES uses Google Analytics, a web traffic analysis service provided by Google, to analyze information on user navigation (

Further information regarding Google Analytics service and the procedures to be followed to disable cookies can be found on the following links:

These data do not allow the user to be personally identified: all the data collected are aggregated and, as such, anonymous.

  1. Advertising and Behavioural Advertising Cookies

These cookies are used by GEMINI TECHNOLOGIES to collect information about user browsing behaviour and preferences so as to develop a specific user profile for customizing commercial offers, for carrying out market research or distance selling.

In case of paid online services, these cookies are a useful tool to enable GEMINI TECHNOLOGIES to constantly improve its products, offer more efficient services and  customise them to users actual needs.

Users can choose to opt out of behavioural advertising cookiesby usingthe opt-out toolin the browser setting page, or follow the procedures indicated hereunder.

  1. Third-Party and Social Media Cookies

Our website may use third-party cookies to collect information on visitors browsing activity on the internet and, especially, on our web pages.

Furthermore, some pages on our website are characterized by the presence of cds “social plug-ins”, which allow us to share our content on social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.

Third-party cookies are not under our control, therefore, for further information on how third parties use cookies, we suggest you visit the website of the third party in question where information is given on the treatment of third-party cookies:

Refuse cookies

Users can, at any given time, refuse to accept all or some of the cookies used on this website by following the instructions here below:

  • Managing Cookies

To delete all cookies from your device, simply select, in your browser, the setting that will block all cookies.

Different web browsers may use different methods for managing cookies. For more information on how to disable cookies visit the following links:

Google Chrome:

Mozilla Firefox: 

Internet Explorer:

Apple Safari:

  • Google Analytics

To selectively disable Google Analytics cookies use the add-on component provided by Google and follow the opt-out procedure:

  • Targeting and Third Party Advertising Cookies

For further information and/or to disable Targeting and Advertising cookies, please visit:

Notwithstanding the above, bear in mind that if you choose to disable cookies you will still be able to access areas of our websites but some web services may no longer be available.

The data collected through cookies will be stored according to their nature: “session” cookies will expire when the web browser is closed, “persistent” cookies have variable expiration dates that, unless special exceptions, do not exceed 20 days.

These data will be processed exclusively within the scope of the aforementioned purposes and may be transferred to associated, subsidiary and affiliated companies.

In compliance with the suitablesafeguards, your data may also be disclosed to public safety authorities and other public or private entities in order to fulfill all fiscal, administrative, financial and similar obligations required by law. Under no circumstances will the data be disseminated.

In compliance with the principles of proportionality and necessity, the data will not be stored for longer periods than those necessary for achieving the aforementioned purposes and, therefore, for the service offered or the specific legal provisions.